Legal Information

Corporate Information

BODE Chemie GmbH
Managing Director: Arne-John Roettger
Melanchthonstraße 27
22525 Hamburg

Telephone: +49 (40) 5 40 06 -0
Telefax: +49 (40) 5 40 06 -200
E-mail: Contact to BODE CHEMIE

Trade Register and Register Number:
Registration Court Hamburg HRB 108924

VAT number:
DE 118115768

Responsible: Arne-John Roettger
E-mail: Contact to BODE CHEMIE


BODE Chemie GmbH 

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BODE Chemie GmbH hereby draws attention to the fact that any infringement of the conditions of use of the website, or any violation of protection rights, may have legal consequences under the German civil and/or penal codes.

The current contents of the Internet presence of BODE Chemie GmbH are protected under copyright law. All rights reserved.Any utilisation of the texts, pictures, diagrams, drawings, and/or audio or video files, either in full or in part, without consent in writing from BODE Chemie GmbH constitutes an infringement of the laws of copyright and is therefore a punishable offence. This applies in particular to multiple copying, translation or utilisation in electronic systems. The contents include registered trademarks, trade names and common names. Even where these are not indicated as such, the corresponding protection still applies.

The recommendations of our products are based on scientific tests and are accurate to the best of our knowledge. Additional recommendations, e.g. relating to material compatibility, are only possible in isolated cases. Our recommendations are not binding and do not constitute any form of guarantee. They do not obviate the need for the user to test whether the product is suitable for the procedures and purposes envisaged. In this respect BODE Chemie GmbH cannot accept any liability. Our liability is defined in our general terms of sale and delivery.

The information on our website has been put together with the greatest care. However, we cannot guarantee either its completeness or its accuracy. BODE Chemie GmbH accepts no liability for errors in the contents of its website(s).

This website is intended to provide general information. It cannot replace medical or other expert advice. BODE Chemie GmbH accepts no liability for any actions undertaken based upon this website.

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The decision of the Hamburg Landgericht (District Court) on 12 May 1998 (312 O 85/98 - "Haftung für Links" [Liability for Links]) has the consequence that when one installs a hyperlink, one automatically has responsibility for the contents of the linked web page. According to the Landgericht this can only be prevented by expressly distancing oneself from such contents. BODE Chemie GmbH hereby distances itself expressly from all contents of all web pages linked to its website and takes no responsibility for them. This declaration applies to all hyperlinks on the website of BODE Chemie GmbH.

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The stipulations of the German Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (Data Protection Law) and of the Teledienst-Datenschutzgesetz (Teleservices Data Protection Law), and the rights of the user arising from rights to protection of intellectual or commercial property, remain unaffected.

The place of jurisdiction is Hamburg.

The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies.

Should one of the stipulations in these conditions be or become invalid, all other stipulations shall remain in force. The invalid stipulation shall be replaced by a permissible one which comes as close as possible to the interests of the parties.